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Tourmaline Quartz


Tourmaline Quartz is clear Quartz which contains crystals of Tourmaline running through it. Black Tourmaline (Schorl) Quartz is found primarily in Brazil, and has a hardness of about 7. Specimens can range from completely cloudy to water clear, with fine threads or clumps of Tourmaline.  Rarer varieties contain green, pink or watermelon (bi-color) Tourmaline. (A green variety is pictured above.)

Mystic Lore: Intuitive sources say that Black Tourmaline Quartz can be a powerful aid in cleansing one-self of all types of negativity, as well as protecting one from negative influences in the environment. It is believed to assist in healing the spirit and discharging energetic imbalances & to aid in "grounding".

Pink Tourmaline Quartz has a very sweet energy.  At the third eye, they bring peace to the mind and a calm, clear quality to one's thoughts.  At the heart chakra, they fill the body with a wave of peace.

Red Tourmaline Quartz is a stone of deep feeling and emotional healing.   It strengthens one's heart and links it to the heart of the Earth.

Green Tourmaline Quartz is a powerful healing stone.  It resonates at the heart chakra, sending its beneficial vibrations throughout the circulatory system, as well as the meridian system.

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